Do you ever feel a little unsure of whether that email you've just written is actually going to bring in the new clients enquiries you really want it to . . .?

Sometimes feel like your content is doing a good job of creating those 'raving fans' everyone goes on about - but the likes and comments just aren't translating into the $$$ you want?

Wonder if your messaging angle for a particular offer is actually on-point?  If you're communicating it clearly enough?  If your content selling it is optimized for the maximum conversions possible from your audience type?

You're not alone.

One of the most valuable aspects of my private consulting is the ability for my clients to have any of their pieces of content critiqued - with constructive feedback provided that enables them to transform each of their content marketing channels into lucrative money makers.

Whether live email campaigns, email funnel sequences, sales pages, lead magnets, opt in pages, speaker submissions, or Facebook + Instagram ads

Which is why I decided to create Eyes On

I'll be your ultimate partner in turning every item of content into a conversion machine! 

Higher performing content means more subscribers, more clients, and ultimately, more revenue.

Which is what we're all in business for.
Plus, the more feedback you get, the better you become at intuitively creating high-converting content

No more crossing your fingers and hoping your content is doing what you want it to.
No more guesswork about what needs changing to make things work.

If you're a coach or online service provider wanting to sign more clients as a result of your content, or if you're a course creator looking to increase enrolments - Eyes On is for you

To maintain my ability to give enough time + quality feedback to all of my clients with this service, I'm capping the number of subscribers at 10.  Once they're full, they're full.

What Your Monthly Service Includes:

You get to submit any combination of emails and / or social media posts that you would like to have expert feedback and critique on

You're able to submit up to 9 items of this kind to me in any one month

You can also submit 1 larger piece of content each month - like a full length sales page or a lead magnet

You can submit at any time during the week or month
Submissions that I receive between Saturday > Tuesday of any week will get my 'eyes on' + feedback sent to you on the Wednesday
Submissions that I receive between Wednesday > Friday of any week will get my 'eyes on' + feedback sent to you on the Monday

Your feedback will come in the form of a feedback video recorded by me + line comments on written content docs

Your feedback will be shared with you in your own private portal, where you'll also have a conversation channel to ask me any follow up questions or discuss anything else you're thinking about as a result of the feedback

Cancel any time - stay for 1 month, 3 months, or 10 months! As you wish

Ready to Get The Best Results From Every Piece of Your Content?
Join 'Eyes On' Today



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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Add a monthly 45 Minute Strategy Consultation To Your Eyes On Package

Special one-time offer, only $200 per month!
A few lines explaining this bump offer or bonus...


Meet with me (Emma, your expert strategist) before we get started, to share what your goals are, what types of content you plan to create, and discuss strategy for the upcoming months

Whether it’s a new piece of content or an existing email funnel you want to improve, submit it in a Google Doc to our platform by Tuesday or Sunday each week.

With Eyes On, you are able to submit up to 9 items of email and / or social media content throughout the course of the month + up to 1 more substantial item of content per month

I take the time to dive deep into every word, sales argument, story sell, call-to-action, and strategy behind your content

Get comprehensive, actionable feedback with both written comments on your doc + a video recorded with my insights, so you know exactly where to tweak and improve, and what to lean more in to - all with the aim of increasing your conversions.
Feedback is delivered to you on either Wednesday (for Tuesday submissions) or Monday (for Friday submissions) each week

BONUS: All active Eyes On clients get FREE access to my Content That Converts course!

  • Today's payment
  • Eyes On$650
  • Future payments
  • $650

All prices in USD



2023 Emma Weatherall Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.